A little competition never hurt anyone.

Tonight we hit the wall, literally. We went Rock Climbing and the indoor center was excellent. With so many challenging climbs and some really great climbers among the students we witnessed feats of pure strength from some of the boys like Mac, Davin and Ryan who threw themselves into each climb. We also had some climbers who approached each wall with finesse, Grace, Sevina and Bianca among the many girls who showed some of the boys just how it is done.
But like all sports once someone mentions competition then there are always some who thrive. We ended the night with a speed climbing challenge. Zac had a point to prove after being thrashed on the basketball court earlier, his pride was in need of repair. He masterfully watched as all of us wore ourselves out on all the different climbs and blitzed us in the last wall. I won't say I let him win, I'll just say that my age and lack of match fitness together with my compassionate side let him have the victory by the narrowest of margins.


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