Where is the ACT?

Sleep deprived big boys and girls went into parliament house this morning. Our tour guide showed us around our centre of government into the house of representatives and the Senate.

The last photo is of Sean the prawn, a crustacean in the marble on the stairs to parliament house.

Compared to two years ago we answered way more questions and got most (well more than 50%) right. It wasn't long before the sleep deprivation kicked in and some funny questions were asked. How do you polish carpets? (Mason). Where is the ACT? and does ACT stand for Australian Canberra Town? (Donna). There were also some cracker comments made. Cosi opened up with "we chose something a bit smarter".  Tim Aldridge that's Ryan's dad helped out with, "what's the difference between ice cream and frozen yoghurt?" I'll blame the sleep deprivation because it's kinder.

We headed up to the telstra tower to take in the amazing view and just relax in the warmth. Did I mention it's pretty cold in Canberra.


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