Thursday morning with bellies full we moved out of town to the Canberra Deep Space Centre. Perhaps the highlight of the educational centres we have visited so far. Our presenter was fantastic showing the kids rocks from the first moon landing and space equipment. He also showed us the role of the centre which was to assist in the communication with all deep Space missions currently in our solar system. We were able to view images downloaded the night before from the Mars Rover missions and live pictures from the International Space Station. It was really amazing.
We also learnt about the role we all could play in observing galaxies in deep space and participating in research to assist NASA. Common myths like man never visiting the moon and the flat earth brigade were given long lectures about why they should not believe everything they read or see on the internet.

After lunch we went on a guided tour of the Australian Institute of Sport and we were shown through the high performance center. We spent about an hour in the interactive centre testing ourselves and each other. It was great fun. Some of the students were amazed at the performances of some of the elite athletes.

Second last activity was Questacon. The students explored sound, colour and gravity based activities. Most were keen participants enjoying things like the zero gravity drop, the earthquake room and H2O room.

After a quick dinner where our conversation steered to mobile phones and the ban of phones in schools in France. Mason added light to the discussion by confidently informing us that he knew that France was the capital of Italy. We headed to the movies to close a long day with an equally long night. Mission Impossible 5 which was impossibly long.


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