Delays Delays

Fog stopped everything at Canberra Airport and our plane was delayed for nearly two hours. This resulted in a 2 hour delay for everything else. Our Bus ride to our accommodation, our access to public transport and our trip to HMAS Hobart.
At Circular Quay we waited for an hour for a ferry to Garden Island as instructed, only to be told by a very serious security guard that we would have to leave because the base was closed. Our ferry driver had also raised doubts about us being able to get into the base. With all the diplomacy I could muster while trying to control 30 excited students I contacted CMDR Miskelly of the Royal Australian Navy who arrived to guide us through the base.

After getting to the Naval Base under escort from base security with strict instructions of no phones no cameras we made our way onto the deck of HMAS Hobart the newest destroyer in the Australian Navy.
What an experience. A huge thank you to Keelie Bacci's Aunty and CMDR Tony Miskelly WEEO and all the Crew who waited patiently for us and gave the most fabulous tour of the warship. I'm sure that none of the kids will forget the experience they had this afternoon.
We walked through the botanical gardens to Circular Quay to overhear one of the students say to another, I can't believe we are in Sydney, only to hear the other reply we're in New South Wales not Sydney. A short ferry ride later we walked through Luna Park and gave the kids their dinner and let them have fun. We heard the screams of kids having fun and being terrified at the same time. Another huge day.


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